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Equipment for Hire
Subject to current commitments SSM offer Water Pump Hire, Dredge Pump Hire and Slurry Pump Hire, available for short or long term hire with or without operators.
  • The range of equipment includes:
    • 300 kW high head mine dewatering pumps - 200 l/s @ 200m head
    • 300kW Warman 10/8 FGH High Head Dredge Pump
    • 300kW Warman 10/8 FG Dredge Pump
    • 300 kW Warman 8/6 FAH Slurry Pumps
    • 4/3 Warman High Head Slurry Pump
    • 315mm, 280mm, 160mm HDPE Pipeline

All pump units are secured in noise reducing enclosures with "super critical" mufflers.

High Head
dewatering pump
250mm Dredge Pump 200mm Slurry Pump

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